Publikationen Theresa Treffers (geb. Michl)
Articles in Refereed Journals (International)
Treffers, T.; Koellinger, P. ; Picot, A.
Do Affective States Influence Risk Preferences? Evidence from Incentive-Compatible Experiments
erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 309-335.
Treffers, T.; Picot, A.
How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs
erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 83, No. 4, pp. 319-355.
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
Managing strategic ambidexterity: The spin-along approach
erschienen in: International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 47-63.
Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Grichnik, D.; Michl, T.; Audretsch, D.
Emotions and Opportunities: The Interplay of Opportunity Evaluation, Fear, Joy, and Anger as Antecedent of Entrepreneurial Exploitation
erschienen in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 69-96., DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2011.00481.x.
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
The spin-along approach: Ambidextrous corporate venturing management
erschienen in: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 39-56.
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Articles in Refereed Journals (National)
Michl, T.; Spörrle, M.; Welpe, I.; Grichnik, D.; Picot, A.
Der Einfluss von Kognition und Affekt auf Unternehmensgründungsentscheidungen: Eine vergleichende Analyse von Angestellten und Unternehmern
erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 82, No. 3, pp. 275-304., DOI: 10.1007/s11573-012-0549-0.
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
Die Wohlfühl-Falle
erschienen in: Harvard Business Manager, 04/2012, pp. 50-52.
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
Der Einfluss affektiver Zustände auf den strategischen Entscheidungsfindungsprozess
erschienen in: Managementforschung, 20/2010, pp. 79-112.
Welpe, I.; Michl, T.; Spörrle, M.
Expertenberatung oder Coaching? So finden Sie den richtigen Beratungsansatz für Ihre Projekt
erschienen in: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation (zfo), Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 257-264.
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Theresa Michl
Affect, innovation and organization: Three studies on aspects of uncertainty
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Krueger, N.; Hansen, D.J.; Michl, T.; Welsh, D.H.B.
Thinking Sustainably: An Entrepreneurial Intentions Perspective
erschienen in: Lumpkin, T.G. and Katz, J.A. (Eds.): Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth), Emerald, Vol. 13, pp. 275 - 309
Michl, T.; Taing, S.
An economic and neuroscientific comparison of strategic decision making
erschienen in: Day, M.; Stanton, A.; Welpe, I. (Eds.): Neuroeconomics and the firm, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 173-193
Michl, T.; Spörrle, M.; Welpe, I.; Picot, A.
Ich fühle, also gründe ich (nicht)? Gedanken und Gefühle von Unternehmensgründern als Determinanten der unternehmerischen Gründungsentscheidung
erschienen in: Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 04/2009, pp. 49-50.
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
The Role of Emotions and Cognitions in Entrepreneurial Decision-Making
erschienen in: Carsrud, A. L.; Brännback, M. (Hrsg.). Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mind: Opening the Black Box, New York (Springer) 2009, pp. 167-190., DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-0443-0.
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Other Publications and Presentations
Klarner, P.; Michl, T.; Picot, A.
How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs
Klarner, P.; Michl, T.; Picot, A.
How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs
Michl, T.; Koellinger, P.D.; Picot, A.
In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preferences
Koellinger, P.D.; Michl, T.
Joy leads to overconfidence – and a simple remedy
Koellinger, P.D.; Michl, T.
Joy leads to overconfidence – and a simple remedy
Koellinger, P.D.; Michl, T.
Joy leads to overconfidence – and a simple remedy
Koellinger, P.; Michl, T.
New approaches to entrepreneurship research: Genetics, neuroscience and experiments
Schuetzeichel, J.; Michl, T.; Picot, A.
A neuroexperimental design on the influence of experienced gains and losses on risk-taking behavior
erschienen in: Proceedings of the NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Munich, Germany 2011., available at:
Koellinger, P.D.; Michl, T.
Bitter Joy, Sweet Fear? An experiment on moods and risk preferences
Koellinger, P.D.; Michl, T.
Bitter joy, sweet sadness? An experiment on moods and overconfidence
Kruger, N.; Welsh, D.H.B.; Michl, T.
Entrepreneurial Cognition and Social Entrepreneurial Cognition: A Research Prospectus
Michl, T.; Koellinger, P.D.; Picot, A.
In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preferences
Michl, T.; Koellinger, P.D.; Picot, A.
In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preferences
Michl, T.; Koellinger, P.D.; Picot, A.
In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preferences
erschienen in: NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, p. 28, available at: (Best Paper in Conference Award) .
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
The leadership-based nexus of ambidexterity’s antecedents in the spin-along approach
erschienen in: presented at the International Entrepreneurship and Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia 2011, pp. 499-509., available at:
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
The spin-along approach: Ambidextrous corporate venturing management
Jørgensen, F.; Krueger, N.; Michl, T.; Picot, A.; Rohrbeck, R.; Kallio, A.; Oikarinen, T.; Pässilä, A.; Kesting, P.
Transcending boundaries for successful Continuous Innovation
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
Ambidextrous corporate venturing: the spin-along approach
Michl, T.; Taing, S.
An economic and neuroscientific comparison of strategic decision making
Schützeichel, J.; Michl, T.
A neuroeconomic perspective on age and risk-taking behavior
Krueger, N.; Welsh, H.B.D.; Michl, T.
Everything (New) that I Know About Intentions...I Learned from Social & Sustainable Entrepreneurs
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
Filling the gap in the individual-opportunity nexus
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
Managing strategic ambidexterity: the spin-along approach
erschienen in: Proceedings of the 11th International Continuous Innovation Network Conference (CINet), Zürich, Switzerland 2010, pp. 750-763.
Spörrle, M.; Bekk, M.; Michl, T.; Kerschreiter, R.; Hofstede, G.
Mein Unternehmen hat meine Persönlichkeit - Der inkrementelle Beitrag der Persönlichkeitspassung von Mitarbeitenden und Unternehmen zur Vorhersage von Arbeitszufriedenheit und affektivem Commitment
Krueger, N.; Welsh, H.B.D.; Michl, T.
Moving Past “Productive, Unproductive & Destructive”: How Social Entrepreneurship Helps Us Generalize Baumol's Typology
Michl, T.; Picot, A.
The spin-along approach: Gaining strategic leeway through ambidextrous corporate venturing
erschienen in: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE), Beijing, China, pp. 21-26.
Michl, T.; Taing, S.; Schützeichel, J.; Welpe, I.
A neuroeconomic perspective on strategic decision-making
erschienen in: NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, p. 15, available at:
Michl, T.; Taing, S.
Can neuroeconomics better predict strategic decision-making?
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
Cognitive and affective determinants of entrepreneurial decisions experimentally examined
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.M.; Spörrle, M.; Grichnik, D.; Picot, A.
Das ist doch (k)eine gute unternehmerische Gelegenheit! - Zur Relevanz subjektiver Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse bei objektiven unternehmerischen Gelegenheiten
Michl, T.; Spörrle, M.; Welpe, I.
Eine experimentelle Untersuchung kognitiv-emotionstheoretischer Determinanten unternehmerischer Entscheidungen
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
Emotions, cognitions and the individual-opportunity nexus
erschienen in: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 29, No. 6., , available at:
Taing, S.; Michl, T.
Global entrepreneurship – how Germany can learn from asian entrepreneurship
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
How do (potential) entrepreneurs decide?
erschienen in: presented at Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making" (SPUDM22) Conference, Rovereto, Italy 2009.
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
What and who can influence (potential) entrepreneurs in their entrepreneurial decision?
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
Appraisal and affect in entrepreneurial decision-making
Michl, T.; Welpe, I.; Spörrle, M.; Picot, A.
How emotions and cognitions shape the entrepreneurial decision-making process