Dear Visitors of the IOM-Website!
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Arnold Picot passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on July 9, 2017.
From a professional perspective, the Research Center (formerly Institute) for Information, Organization and Management loses a visionary with many (research) interests.
Personally, we lose a committed person, who was interested in his environment and always understood to see the individual strengths of his students and doctoral candidates to support them constructively.
We will sadly miss him.
The employees of the Research Center IOM
From 1988-2013 Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Arnold Picot has been holding the chair of the Institute for Information, Organization and Management at the Munich School of Management at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany. The new Research Center for IOM emerges from the Institute. Research activitites focus on the management of information and communication.
The considerations of information as a production factor and its importance for economic activities, especially in the context of the economic problem of organization, serve as the basis for research and teaching. From an economic point of view, the purpose of any organization - whether in the analogue or in the digital world - is to provide a solution for the management of a given task. In general, tasks can be accomplished more effectively and efficiently if they are subdivided and assigned to different people.
However, as a result of scarcity of information deficiencies in the process of economic operations arise: co-ordination problems emerge if agents do not know which task they are assigned to; motivation problems result from differing objectives of the agents who are possibly not willing to carry out their part of the task.
In this regard, organizational design thus refers to the efficient handling of information to manage the problems of coordination and motivation. Accordingly, research and teaching activities of the chair focus on the one hand on organizational design given the scarcity of information. On the other hand, special information and communication systems are analyzed which actually modify the problem of scarcity of information and thus influence organizational design.
Both aspects shaped the research work, which was conducted by Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Arnold Picot and his more than 15 graduate students in many research projects, frequently in association with industry partners. The output of this research is reflected in over 400 publications.
The core of the teaching program of IOM comprised the course "Unternehmensorganisation" [Organization] as part of the required courses of the program for graduate students and the course "Betriebswirtschaftliche Information und Kommunikation" [Business Information and Communication] as part of the major program. In addition to these required courses, electives are offered which are often given by honorary professors or visiting lecturers from the industry. Supplementary workshops and courses, including integrated studies abroad, are offered to a limited number of selected students within the Center for Digital Technology and Management. The Center for Digital Technology and Management - which was co-founded by the chair - is a combined teaching and research institute of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Technische Universität München.